San Antonio Assault Lawyer
The objective representation you deserve
You have the right to a fair trial no matter what your crime, and Attorney Burchard provides you with fair, meticulous representation after assault or domestic violence charges. His more than 30 years of experience and significant knowledge of criminal law enable him to overcome the emotional nature of assault and domestic violence cases and find evidence to form a persuasive defense on your behalf. You deserve a second chance — allow Mr. Burchard to work with you to protect your rights and ensure your future.

A San Antonio assault lawyer who analyzes every aspect of your case
Domestic violence and assault and battery charges are similar by definition. Domestic violence refers to any abuse that occurs in the home, whether physical, mental, sexual or emotional, while assault and battery is any abuse of a physical nature to any other person. Convictions for either charge carry major consequences, such as jail time or imprisonment and significant fines. For domestic violence convictions, you may suffer the loss of child custody and be given responsibility for larger alimony and child support payments. If your assault charge is paired with that of attempted robbery, you could face steeper fines and incarceration.
A San Antonio criminal attorney can help you minimize or avoid these penalties and keep your reputation intact. At our firm, Mr. Burchard carefully investigates the situation surrounding your alleged offense and argues the following:
- Self-defense. Mr. Burchard proves that you had to inflict physical harm to defend yourself from attacks by the alleged victim.
- Ulterior motives behind allegations. In some cases, the alleged victim has motives for making claims of domestic violence or assault. These could include a desire to obtain child custody or extra child support, hurt your reputation or extort money from you.
- Violated rights by law enforcement. If the police violated your rights in any way in arresting you or failed to read you your rights, Attorney Burchard fights to have your case dismissed from court.
- Lack of evidence. In many domestic violence and battery cases, the case comes down to one person’s word against another’s. This alone is not enough for a conviction.